These are extracts from the Horton diaries which relate to plantings in the park. They have been extracted from the original handwritten diaries by Ian Hutchinson, Pukekura Park Botanical Records Officer. There are also some related newspaper extracts.


18 July 1924 – Received two Loquats from Mrs Wheeler – planted in nursery.

4 August 1924 – Order Rhodos., Marattias and Cyathea dealbata from D&D

7 August 1924 – Planted Cyatheas and Marattias, continued cleaning left bank opposite upper lake (from diary description it would appear Serpentine area had been cleaned up the previous day))

14 August 1924 – Fell pine tree and planted 12 Meryta sinclairii on Cannon Hill.

15 August 1924 – Planted Rhododendrons and split tree felled yesterday.

18 August 1924 – Planted Rhododendrons

21 August 1924 – Planted Marattias on upper native walk.

29 August 1924 – Mr Dempsey instructed me to take out Puriri stump in round bed and plant tree from Mr Wheeler.

2 September 1924 – Wheeler planted Elm

Between 10th September and 4th November – most staff worked on clean-up and splitting of pines felled on John Street Walk

15 September 1924 – Trimming pines etc, self (TH) planting trees on newly cleared plot

18 September 1924 – Ordered plants for replanting the pine area

22 September 1924 – Started cleaning up John Street Walk, preparatory to planting

23 September 1924 – Self planting trees

25 September 1924 – Kauri, Rimu and other trees arrived. Mr Moorshead presented Tanekaha (Phyllocladus alpinus)

30 September 1924 – self planting in Nursery

3 October 1924 – self dug border near new pavilion

9 October 1924 – Mr Bridgeman brought parcel of Kahikatea, planted in nursery

8 November 1924 – Self and Joe planting etc. Put in annuals

17 March 1925 – TH collecting native tree seeds

21 March 1925 – TH collected native trees seeds etc

25 March 1925 – On site Board meeting near Spence’s (where gully was filled in by Borough council to create the continuation of Gilbert Street from Liardet St to Victoria Road). Decided that planting would go ahead at right time and not ask Council for cost of this

21 April 1925 – Plants received from Maxwell’s Asplenium tenibrosum sanderii, Pteris comans (very rare), Colensoa sinclairii and Melicope ternata var. mantellii (Chatham Islands)

29 April 1925 – Received trees from R Davies for the Park (Pohutukawa’s?)

1 & 2 May 1925 – Planted hedge in Gilbert Street (Akeake, Olearia traversiorum. Hedge was actually     Akiraho, Olearia paniculata) ex Moorshead. Heeled in Pohutukawas etc.

13 May 1925 – Mr Rawson gave parcel of young nikau’s

15 May 1925 – Bought 80 plants to start at Spence’s, natives mostly from Mr L.H. Goss. Planted pungas and natives at Spence’s (Kowhai, Totara, Rimu, Karaka, Cordyline, Miro, Rewarewa, Holly)

16 May 1925 – Finished planting at Spence’s, total 100 trees

18 May 1925 – TH made cuttings planted a few trees etc

19 May 1925 – Received Marattia fraxinus from Infant School grounds (per Infant School Committee, aka Central School)

26 May 1925 – Planted Marattia fraxinus (King Fern) stumps (possibly Stainton Dell as TH had also cleaned up the Iris bed which appears to have been in this part of the Park)

22 June 1925 – Cleaned up Vogeltown entrance and borders, dug places for pohutukawas etc. Visited D&D and ordered 56 trees for Jockey Club.

27 June 1925 – Heeled in trees on Rhodo block ready for planting on Racecourse bank

30 June 1925 – Planting Akeake etc

7 July 1925 – Planting Racecourse banks and various part of Park. (Taranaki Herald 22/7/25 “The sloping bank near the racecourse had been put in good order, and about 200 trees planted. When grown this should be one of the beauty spots of the park, some of the trees planted there being very rare indeed.”)

14 July 1925 – Planted pohutukawas and karakas on western side and most of the trees on the John Street extension area. (Taranaki Herald 22/7/25 “The vacant piece of land on the south side of John Street Walk had been prepared and planted. Along the western side of the Park the land had been dug and prepared where necessary and pohutukawa’s and karaka’s planted.”)

15 July 1925 – TH planting trees on John Street

16 July 1925 – TH digging and planting etc

28 July 1925 – TH planting near racecourse house

4 August 1925 – Ordered trees from D&D for racecourse extension planting

6 August 1925 – Planted peninsular at Racecourse, trees from D&D’s

8 August 1925 – Planted pungas etc near Laurels by Carrington Road (Laurels = Prunus laurocerassus)

31 August 1925 – Got trees from Mr Ludlow for Park (Taranaki Herald 23/9/25 “He had to acknowledge receipt of 50 trees from Mr Ludlow of Vogeltown”)

2 September 1925 – Planted trees on old rubbish pit near red house, also akeake at Vogeltown entrance (Taranaki Herald 23/9/25 “50 Olearia forsterii had been planted at the Vogeltown entrance……” “The old rubbish pit at the sportsground had been cleared out, filled with good soil and planted with trees.”)

7 September 1925 – Put in large Camellia by red shed. (Camellia ‘Devonia’ or ‘Kaka’? Single Rose, White, Red listed in D&D 1925 catalogue)

16 September 1925 – Planted begonias etc at vogeltown entrance

25 September 1925 – Received Pinus torreyana from Waugh

27 February 1926 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting TH “He had received 100 seedling pohutukawas from Mr William Putt and these had been planted in the nursery until strong enough to plant out.”

1March 1926 – Gunera scabra (G tinctoria) name of large rough leaved herbaceous plant

9 April 1926 – Sowed seed of Juniperus procera from Kenya colony

1 May 1926 – TH Self wrenching nursery stock and planting pohutukawas received from Mr Taylor (Sports ground eastern terrace?)

10 May 1926 – TH Self planted young pohutukawas and wrenched some trees for transplanting

17 May 1926 – Cooper and self, digging for trees on hill (Eastern) in sports ground

25 May 1926 – Mr Moorshead here with Kirks NZ Flora. Name of tree near nursery and on bank of ditch Eugenia maire, Maire-taiohake (syzigium maire)

26 May 1926 – V.C. Davies in Park for seeds and plants for which he promised to donate some golden pungas. Ordered 60 coprosmas from Parnell & Sons Wanganui. Taranaki Herald – Board meeting TH “He acknowledged the receipt of several trees of Californian redwood from Mr. Cowling of Westown and a quantity of Bulbs from Mr. Cock.”

11 June 1926 – Had macrocarpa, 12 kauri plants received from Johnston & Sons, Ponsonby Rd paid 8/6 costs.

14 June 1926 – Transplanted pungas from fernery site

16 June 1926 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting TH “During the month he had received 12 kauri trees from Messrs Johnston & Son, of Auckland. They were gifts, and as there were many suitable places for them, they were very acceptable. A parcel of small pohutukawa trees received from Mr. J. Wheeler, Vogeltown.”

24 June 1926 – Planted coprosmas etc

20 July 1926 – Mrs Graham offered to pay for puka trees to the value of £3

21 July 1926 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting TH Messrs Duncan & Davies: wrote offering to donate a collection of ferns, all correctly named, and in 36 to 40 varieties. Of a total value of about £5

27 July 1926 – Planted sequoia and other trees (possible trees might include: Lagunaria, Liriodendron, Cupressus sempervirens, Picea abies, Grevillea robusta, Camellia Madame Pepin, Olearia argophylla)

3 August 1926 – TH planting trees from Moorshead etc

12 August 1926 – Hemitelia smithii (Cyathea smithii) name of soft leaved tree fern. Osmunda regalis, royal fern

18 August 1926 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting TH “The trees donated by Mrs Graham had been planted in prominent and suitable positions, and all were doing well.”

14 September 1926 – Mr Moorshead here. Ordered 4 pohutukawa

18 September 1926 – Received case of cannas from Palmerston North

21 September 1926 – Mr Gordon Eady, 30 Park Rd., Onehunga here re Bambusa japonica – post some (Pseudosasa japonica, this bamboo can be found on Gover street frontage)

22 September 1926 – Mr Freethy brought Rhodos etc

23 September 1926 – TH Self planting nursery stock

24 September 1926 – Wrote to Peter Black thanking for cannas ordered.

29 September 1926 – Planted cannas in gully

30 September 1926 – Received 2 packets cannas from Hastings

11 October 1926 – Leucopogon fasciculatus native tree on Gilbert St near viburnum sieboldii. Mr Moorshead here to collect cuttings and brought Aralia spinose

20 October 1926 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting TH “He acknowledged the gift of three tree ferns from Messrs. Earp Bros., of Vogeltown. These would be very helpful, particularly in connection with the work at the fernery.” “Mr. Spence reported that a party representing the Fernery Committee visited the Koru district on Saturday last and had secured a very nice collection of ferns etc., for the fernery. He also mentioned that Messrs. V.C. and R. Davies had offered to obtain a collection of ferns from the Bay of Plenty and other North island districts which they intended to visit shortly. The board decided to accept this offer and a sum not exceeding £5 was voted for the purpose.”

21 October 1926 – Pimelia longifolia grown by Mr. Wheeler

17 November 1926 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting TH “An offer was received from Messrs. Duncan & Davies to shelter the more delicate specimens of the fine collection of Native ferns made by them in conjunction with Mr Maxwell on a recent trip, until next autumn, which would be the most suitable season for transplanting. The offer was accepted with thanks for the generous spirit in which it was made.”

13 December 1926 – Man brought specimen of native Begonia, Rhabdothamnus solandri, Waiu-atua, lovely little orange red begonia like flowers. (This plant is actually NZ Gloxinia)

20 April 1927 – TH Self getting and planting Clematis. (4 May Taranaki Herald – Board meeting TH “One hundred and twenty native clematis had been planted to grow on the fernery protective fence.”)

21 April 1927 – Transplanting trees from Mr Wheeler

22 April 1927 – TH Self planting

26 April 1927 – TH Self planting Manuka near lakelet etc

28 April 1927 – TH Self planting left side of Racecourse Walk

29 April 1927 – Planted Rhododendrons near lakelet

4 May 1927 – TH Self gathering totara and other native plants

19 May 1927 – Planted lilies in the new lakelet, turned water on to new lake and put protective wire up. Mr Aldridge brought maples etc

27 May 1927 – Mr Moorshead brought ferns, Loxoma cunninghamii, Gleichenia cunninhamii and (Lomaria) [crown fern B. discolor?], Blechnum fraseri. Very grateful indeed

15 June 1927 – Planted Cyatheas etc in nursery

20 June 1927 – Planted first ferns in Fernery nursery bed, planted irises around lakelet

22 June 1927 – TH Self planting ferns in fernery. Yesterday visited site for proposed rockery with Mr Stainton. (Taranaki Herald 22 June 1927 – Board meeting – TH “The azalea dell had been overhauled and the ground dug. A few extra Manuka and other plants had been planted in the racecourse gully, also a few pohutukawa on hilltops in exposed positions.” “A nursery bed had been prepared on one house for the reception of ferns and he was now ready to receive all ferns promised. He had to acknowledge choice varieties from Mr. Moorshead and also canvas and flowering shrubs from Mr Wheeler. The lakelet in the gully beyond the fernery was now completed and was filled with water, the supply being abundant. On the three islands in the lakelet a totara and kauri and a rimu had been planted to grow as specimen trees. Coloured water-lilies had been planted in the lakelet and iris on the banks, and if they made good growth this part of the park should become very attractive.”)

23 June 1927 – D&D had 12 Litsea, 6 horopito

24 June 1927 – Received trees form Mr. Tunnycliffe

13 July 1927 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting – TH “The tops of two or three large tainui trees had been cut off and necessary room provided for the growth and development of more valuable trees nearby.” “The old iris bed had been dug and prepared for spring planting, and some 200 of the plants had been planted around the new lakelet.” “He was ready to receive all ferns that had been promised.” Sec “Correspondence was received from Mr Standish, of Tarata, promising his assistance in obtaining a number of Weka (Weki) pungas for the park.”

14 July 1927 – Received 25 varieties of ferns from Duncan & Davies

20 July 1927 – Mr Wheeler started planting ferns. TH self on rockery work

22 July 1927 – TH and Mr Wheeler collecting ferns at Frankleigh Park

25 July 1927 – TH collecting ferns back of racecourse

3 August 1927 – Planting ferns in number two chamber, received a parcel of ferns from Dr. Nairn

4 & 5 August 1927 – Collecting and planting ferns

9 August 1927 – Received ferns from Tauranga, Mr Gilbert and Mr Moorshead. Load of Dicksonia fibrosa arrived from Tarata

16 August 1927 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting – TH “In addition to ferns donated they had collected a great many themselves, and these had now been planted in position. The stocking of the chambers was well advanced, a total of 1071 ferns having been planted.” “Ferns and plants had been donated by Mr. F. Moorshead, Mr. W. Besley, Mr L.S. Mackie (Otekeho), Dr. R. Nairn (Hastings), J.H. Frethey, Duncan and Davies Ltd., Mrs J. Wheeler, Mr. J. Wheeler, Mrs Lovell (Hawera), and Mr. B. Sladden (Tauranga).” “The board’s best thanks were due to these donors, and more especially to Mr. Wheeler, who had materially assisted with the arrangement of the plants and with the work of planting. With his expert knowledge, his help had been invaluable.” “A load of tree ferns of the Dicksonia fibrosa variety was received from Tarata, and these had all been planted.”

18 August 1927 – Received ferns from Mr Besley. Varieties Mrs Maxwell will send us – Doodia  cordata, Polypodium novae-zelandiae, Trichomanes strictum, Asplenium bulbiferum Titirangi creeping form, Lindsaea, Pteris comans

23 August 1927 – Planted cuttings on the dam face

30 August 1927 – Mr Maxwell here brought some ferns

31 August 1927 – Collected a nice lot of Litsea (Mangeo)

5 September 1927 – Planting nursery

7 September 1927 – Todeas from Mart., trees from Mr Moorshead various for park

9 September 1927 – Planted trees and plants gift of Mr Moorshead

16 September 1927 – Put in Cannas at old iris site and made new bed near fernery

28 September 1927 – Planted main canna bed and arounf lakelet

4 October 1927 – TH Self planting redwoods

12 October 1927 – Azaleas etc from Mr Davies. (Taranaki Herald 12/10/27 – Board meeting – TH “The thanks of the board are due to Mrs. Mason of Westown for the gift of Lomaria alpine for the fernery, and to other donors who wish to remain anonymous.”)

29 October 1927 – Received Pteris comans from Mr Sladden per D&D

8 December 1927 – Mr Moorshead brought plants of Gleichenia cunnunghamii, G. dicarpa var alpina and Euphrasia

6 February 1928 – Palm seeds from Fiji per Mr J.W. Rawlinson from Mr Frank Ducker planted in boxes and placed in fernery.

15 February 1928 – Filling in spaces in fernery with Begonias

2 April 1928 – Primulas and Calceolarias for fernery arrived from J Anderson, Napier

2 May 1928 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting – FJM (Francis Moorshead – acting Superintendent) “Mr. Chas. Cameron, of Tauranga, who had visited  the fernery during Easter had written offering to collect in his district a number of varieties which be an acquisition to the collection already planted.” “Mr. Spence reported that Mrs. David Morrison had kindly donated a collection of Samoan ferns to the park. Thanks were accorded Mrs. Morrison and Mr. Cameron for their donations.”

22 & 23 May 1928 – Rawson and FJM wrenching trees above fernery

14 June 1928 – Mr. E. Maxwell sent three new ferns

27 June 1928 – Nine new ferns received form Mr. C.J. Shepherd, 152 Glasgow St, Wanganui, a fern enthusiast who lived here recently (posted to Mr Wheeler)

2 July 1928 – FJM called on Messrs. Mackie & Davis at Otakeho, was offered more ferns than could carry on motorbike, Must go again soon and collect balance of plants, brought 5 new varieties.

18 July 1928 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting – FJM “Plants had been donated by Miss Devenish and Messrs. F. Parker and E. Zumbach, a large banana tree by Mr. Hancock, Fitzroy; ferns by Messrs. E. Maxwell, Rahotu; C.J. Shepherd of Wanganui and Davis & Mackie of Otakeho.” “The donations acknowledged above included 14 species and varieties not previously received. Some of them, notably several sent by Mr. Shepherd, are rare and a decided acquisition to the collection.”

23 July 1928 – Received by post ferns from Mr. Dobbie parcel ferns, 3 new varieties for fernery.

15 August 1928 – FJM Planting ferns and cineraria’s fernery entrance

31 August 1928 – Mr. Mackie, Otakeho sent collection of ferns

14 September 1928 – FJM Cycled to Mt Messenger for ferns, collected a nice lot of Lindsaya and others, also plants of Dracophyllum and Gautheria

18 September 1928 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting – FJM “Plants had been donated Messrs. J. Bain and Q. Watkins, collections ferns by Mr. C. Cameron (Tauranga) and Mr Mackie (Otakeho). The former sent a fine collection of ferns, many which were rare species and varieties. Mr. J. wheeler donated a pedestal and two rustic hanging baskets. Mr. L.J. Wright (Wanganui) had sent per Mrs. Nicolls (Otakeho), a root of Davllia tasmanii, which was found only of the Three Kings Islands.“ “Work on the bank in front of the fernery had been completed and the terrace planted, while the enclosed area above had been cleared, stumps being removed. The area in front had been planted with tree ferns and the surface prepared for sowing down with grass seed.” “The fern collection now comprised 112 recognised species and varieties, besides many local variations of the types which had been collected and sent in by interested collectors.”

25 September 1928 – Received from Messrs Duncan & Davies Ltd (donation) 10 varieties metrosideros (climbing rata) for planting on the fernery bank

26 & 27 September 1928 FJM Planting out in fernery

3 October 1928 – FJM and V.C. Davies botanised Paritutu for ferns etc

4 October 1928 – FJM planting in fernery

12 October 1928 – Choice Begonia seed purchased by Mr Horton (in UK) sown in trays of special soil at fernery

25 October 1928 – Received case lot of ferns from Tauranga. Very fine lot

26 October 1928 – Francis Moorshead attended to the ferns received from Mr Cameron, Tauranga

30 October 1928 – Preparing soil and potting Begonias

5 November 1928 – Potting up baskets with Begonias, Nephrolepsis, trailing lobelia also Gloxinia and fern baskets (plants from F Parker)

12 November 1928 – Received ferns from Mr Cameron, Tauranga, Blechnum capensis var minor, Lycopodim dwarf (L. scariosum?), and two other ferns

20 November 1928 – Received 2 dozen basket Begonias from Parker and planted same

12 December 1928 – Planted out begonias to permanent positions in No. one chamber (Taranaki Herald 12/12/28 – Board Meeting – TH “The ferns and other plants were in good order and doing well. Several new varieties had recently come to hand and the board’s thanks are due to Messrs. Cameron, of Tauranga, Mackie, of Hawera, and F.J. Moorshead, who had assisted so materially in the work of collecting. They now had the most complete collection of New Zealand ferns in the Dominion and was hopeful that the time was not far distant, when the collection will be absolutely complete. The few required were being sought for by collectors who are intensely interested in the fernery. Begonias were being grown with a view to adding colour and beauty to the interior of the glasshouse. These were doing exceptionally well. Mr. and Mrs. Sargood, of Dunedin, who were visitors recently had promised to donate some blue water lilies (Nymphaea braziliensis). These were coming from Western Australia and would be a decided acquisition to the collection already in the park.”)

7 January 1929 – Rhododendrons from England arrived in good order

10 January 1929 – Mr Wheeler finished cutting out on large face in No. 3. Planted new work and in fernery all day

11 January 1929 – Finished planting in No. 3 chamber

14 February 1929 – TH “The Rhododendrons selected and purchased by Mr. Horton when in England had come to hand in excellent order and were planted in the nursery to be acclimatised. He was pleased to say there was not one plant in the whole importation that was not healthy and doing well. This was due entirely to the fact that he was able to arrange for cool storage freight. The extra cost for this was proved to be quite justified.”

5 March 1929 – Francis (Moorshead) brought in another new fern Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders tongue)

22 April 1929 – TH Collected and planted ferns in the main entrance tunnel

25 April 1929 – TH Gathered pohutukawas from the Hospital grounds

31 April 1929 – TH Got shrubs from C. Saunders and planted most of them out. Collected totaras

2 & 3 May 1929 – TH Collecting a few native plants, heeled in

5 May 1929 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting – TH “The following gifts had been received: From Mr. C. Saunders – very fine collection of ornamental and flowering shrubs; Mr. J. Wheeler a punga pedestal for the fernery; Mr. M. Kenzie (chairman of the Auckland Harbour Board), a pure bred white Muscovy drake; Mrs. Richmond (Auckland), seeds.

27 May 1929 – TH Collected rockery plants from Mr Autridge and prepared for planting

7 June 1929 – Making up baskets of Nephrolepsis cordifolia

10 June 1929 – TH Planted 47 pohutukawas on John Street hill (Taranaki Herald 12/6/29 – Board meeting – TH “On the top of the John Street hill they had planted 47 more pohutukawa trees, which made a total of 75 planted at this spot.”)

11 June 1929 – TH Planted trees at the Brooklands end

12 June 1929 – TH planted more pohutukawas

24 June 1929 – TH finished planting pohutukawas in sportsground

26 & 27 June 1929 – TH Planting rockery (rockery at the Fernery entrance. Received Banksia and rockery plants from Mr & Mrs Wheeler

1 July 1929 – TH Transplanting Rhodos and azaleas and plants growing about the old Rhodo beds

2 July 1929 – TH Finished planting Rhododendron bed. Trees came from Webb’s Nurseries

12July 1929 – Overhauling cannon hill TH Self planting Rhododendrons etc

22July 1929 – TH Planted Veronicas (Hebes) on rockery gift of D&D

23 July 1929 – TH Self planting Ericas and tree ferns etc

25 July 1929 – TH Planted pungas on old nursery site and Ericas etc

2 August 1929 – TH Planted Paulonia

12 August 1929 – Received ferns from D&D

14 August 1929 – Taranaki Herald – Board meeting – TH “The council are now carrying out improvements at the Brooklands corner of the park and this work makes it necessary to remove a number of trees we have recently planted and the removal and setting back of the fence for a few chains of its length at this place.”

28 & 29 August 1929 – TH Self planting pohutukawas in nursery (800)

30 August 1929 – Self Cooper and Whilely digging border at Vogeltown entrance, planting English Rhododendrons etc

4 September 1929 – TH Planted potatoes in nursery and Thuja gigantea in Rhodo. Dell

7 September 1929 – Received one case 35 water lilies from Perth, received in good order

9 September 1929 – Planted blue water lilies and planting nursery

10 September 1929 – TH Self planting young pungas etc

12 September 1929 – TH Self finished planting nursery

5 October 1929 – TH Potted Cypripediums etc

17 October 1929 – TH this has been a Red Letter Day in this Park’s history – a great function was held at which the deeds of the Park were handed over to the mayor by Mr Amoor. Appropriate speeches were made and Mr R.C. Hughes gave a resume of the Park’s early history. After the Mayor had planted memorial Kauri tree, afternoon tea was served and a donation of £100 was received.”

9 December 1929 – TH Moorshead brought collection ferns from South Island

2 July 1930 – TH Self planted a few trees on point leading to Sports Ground

16 July 1930 – TH Received trees from F. Parker and planted. Put in Pohutukawas at croquet corner and along back of Park Brooklands Road (60 Pohutukawa, 60 assorted natives)

23 July 1930 – Trees from Webb

24 July 1930 – TH Self planting trees near Chainey’s. Ordered native plants at D&D

25 July 1930 – Trees from D&D arrived

29 July 1930 – Digging out young sycamores and cleaning up, planting etc

8 August 1930 – TH Planted pohutukawa hedge near new house

11 August 1930 – TH Planted native and other trees

12 August 1930 – TH Finished planting Pohutukawas John Street side and trees in front of new house

21 August 1930 – TH Self planting. Put in vines

25 & 26 August 1930 – TH Self planting. Plants received from Mr J Wheeler

28 August 1930 – TH Planted 30 Pohutukawas

2 September 1930 – TH Planted trees on hilltop by flagpole (3 sequoia, 3 Thuja gigantea, 2 Kauri, and 30 pohutukawa)

6 September 1930 TH Planted totara hedge (Mason Drive)

15 September 1930 – TH Planted in nursery, completed this 20 September

23 September 1930 – TH Planting and overhauling old house timber

1 October 1930 – Lou and Geo and self on long island etc. Planted trees from D&D

26 March 1931 – TH Planted large punga by lake. Worked on rockery extension. Work gang still in gully behind sports gorund

8 & 9 April 1931 – TH Wrenching

15 April 1931 – Moorshead on Hydrangea bed

20 April 1931 – TH Measuring to locate Rutherford’s boundary. Mr Archibald here and brought Hydrangeas

23 April 1931 – TH Dug new leaf mould pit and completed and marked out the new Hydrangea bed

28 July 1931 – TH Planted trees on hill near Fillis Street and old house site (Taranaki Herald 12/8/31 – Park Committee Meeting – TH “Pohutukawas and karaka had been planted on the hilltop at the back of the sportsground; seventy assorted native trees and 100 totaras (for a hedge) had been planted on the old cottage site.”)

29 July 1931 – Men felling Blue gums etc. Planting trees etc

5 August 1931 – Cutting up macrocapra posts etc (Macrocarpa fallen by glow worm cave, Hughes Walk) and planting 22 pungas

6 & 7 August 1931 – TH Planted 30 tree ferns on hillside by caves, finished clearing away macrocarpa which came down

12-15 August – Planted trees on top of hill by pines (hilltop adjacent to Sports ground eastern terraces)

18-20 August 1931 – TH Self and Arthur digging and planting bottom of John Street Walk

25-30 August 1931 – TH Transplanting nursery stock and putting nursery in order

1 & 2 September 1931 – TH Self and Arthur nursery, planting young natives

15 September 1931 – TH Burning rubbish on hill back Sports Ground and planted 40 nikau and 50 totara in park

22 September 1931 – TH Planting 80-100 trees on hilltop where pines (dead) were taken down

23 September 1931 – TH Self planting Kowhai etc same place

24 September 1931 – TH Planting trees in gully off sportsground where sycamores were taken out

25 September 1931 – TH Self planting in Gully back of sportsground

12 May 1932 – Taranaki Herald – Park Committee Meeting – “As a method of celebrating the 21st anniversary of the formation of the Girl Guide movement, the provincial commissioner for Taranaki (Mrs. D.K. Morrison) suggested that 21 trees be planted by the local Girl Guides in the park during the last week in May and consideration of the proposal was asked for by the commissioner.”

23-30 May 1932 – TH Preparation for planting old boat site by lake (tea house lake edge?) Prepared ground for planting various sites. Girl Guides planted 22 trees near old cottage site on 27th    (Taranaki Herald 15/6/32 – Park Committee Meeting – TH “On May 27 the Girl Guides and their friends planted 22 trees, nearly all natives. These were well and truly planted under his supervision, and he felt sure would do well and be a fine addition to the flora in this part of the park.” (See; Taranaki Herald 26/2/1936: 3 kauri, 7 Norfolk pine, 2 puriri, 5 libocedrus, 7 Sequoia, and inside these 37 pongas, 15 kowhai, 110 pohutukawas and 50 assorted natives)

2-9 June 1932 – Felling gums and digging for planting in sports ground

12-16 June 1932 – Cutting back half dead trees and cleaning up generally around Totara Hillside (Monument Hillside) and long island. Visited D&D’s nursery and Mr Sanders and dug up plants donated to park

17 & 18 June 1932 – TH Planted tall growing conifers and other trees on all hilltops, also Quercus ilex near tennis and croquet greens

22 & 23 June 1932 – TH Planting lawsonianas along Brooklands road and other trees Brooklands corner

24 & 25 June 1932 – Planting and overhauling area near Totara Hill

1, 2 & 4 July 1932 – Cleaning up near maze planting trees etc

18-20 July 1932 – TH Cleaned up 3 islands in the Main Lake. Planting trees near men’s W.C.

27 July 1932 – TH Planting azaleas

10 August 1932 – Taranaki Herald – Park Committee Meeting – TH “Donations of trees and plants had been received from Messrs. Duncan and Davies, Anderson and Sons, of Napier, and Mr J. Wheeler.”

15 & 16 August 1932 – TH Planted Racecourse Hillside etc. Planted near W.C.’s

18 & 19 August 1932 – TH Planted 10 pohutukawa Flagpole Hill and few other trees various places

20-22 August 1932 – TH Started overhauling John Street borders and planting etc

30-31 August 1932 – TH Planted young pohutukawas in nursery

1-6 September 1932 – TH Finished planting nursery and planted extra trees in gaps various parts of park

29 September 1932 – TH Planted a hedge on Park and Simmons boundary

17 & 18 October 1932- Clearing out drain off Sports Ground (King Fern Gully) grubbing wattles etc

22 October 1932 – TH Planted trees from Mr Zumbach

9 November 1932 – Taranaki Herald – Park Committee Meeting – TH “The superintendent reported that in addition to routine work a boundary fence had been erected between the park and Mr. Simmons’ property and a hedge had been planted. Mr. Simmons had found the material and the park staff had done the work. Forty king ferns had been planted in the gully at the back of the sportsground. The drain in this gully had been trimmed and cleared of weeds and rubbish. On the brow of the hill above the rhododendrons and azaleas, 100 totaras, 86 coprosma and 15 assorted native trees had been planted.” “The board passed votes of thanks to the following for donations: Mr. Zumbach (dahlias and other plants) and Mr. and Mrs. L. Little (a sack of pollard for the ducks).”

3 April 1933 – TH Wrenched trees in nursery, overhauled orchids, potting primulas

11-14 July 1933 – All hands at lake work, King’s hauler got logs out of lake (Bowl Lake), water lilies thinned out, planted 53 mamaku’s  around banks of lake

18 & 19 July 1933 – Started men on preparing Fillis Street work of preparing for hedge

8 August 1933 – TH Digging hillside and around trees. Planting few trees (previous day Arthur and Horton had been digging on hillside by house)

10 & 11 August 1933 – TH Planting kauri, pungas, pohutukawas in Fillis Street

17 August 1933 – Sanders Rhododendron Grande arrived

18 August 1933 – TH Planted above tree

21 August 1933 – TH Planted few trees and dug around others

23 & 24 August 1933 – TH Planted few trees etc after digging through pohutukawas on hill by pines

28 August 1933 – TH Planted island in lower lake, Azaleas (20) presented by D&D

1 September 1933 – Taranaki Herald – Park Committee Meeting – “The superintendent, Mr. T. Horton, reported that during the month the cleaning of the lower lake had been completed and the lake was again full. Many of the fish which had been put into a small stream had been caught and returned to the lake. The lily lake had also been cleaned and the lilies thinned out. A concrete outlet for the overflow of water from the lily lake had been constructed and a punga railing erected. About 70 pungas had been planted in the gaps on the banks of the two lakes. The island had been planted with about 50 trees, and the paths had been regraded and metalled.” “The wattles which were overhanging the path on the western side of the main entrance had been cut, and the face of the hill at the eastern end of the iron fence had been cut back to allow room for the planting of a hedge.”    “A belt of pohutukawas had been planted along the fence line on the flat and this would be extended to the boundary. Thanks were due to Messrs. Duncan and Davies for a donation of azaleas and to Mr. R.W. Davies for a donation of fifty pungas. The Rhododendron “Grande’, bequeathed to the park by late Mr. C. sanders, had been received and planted temporarily in one of the beds near the fernery. It was in good condition, and was just coming into bloom.”

4 September 1933 – Preparing for planting extension of Fillis Street hedge

8, 9 & 11 September 1933 – Overhauling and planting nursery

14 & 15 September 1933 – planted balance of pohutukawas at front of Rutherford’s Fillis Street

5 April 1934 – Visit of the Board and planting Kauri by Mr Hughes. Board decided and authorised me to have pines trimmed and to plant Fillis Street gully with natives not now in the Park.           (Taranaki Herald 5/4/1934 – Park Committee Meeting – “Held in the park Thursday April 5 1934” “The Chairman advised that the Board members desired to take the opportunity of honouring Mr. R.C. Hughes for his long and efficient service in connection with the Pukekura Park, by asking him the plant a kauri tree at the head of the lower lily pond. The kauri tree was well and truly planted by Mr. Hughes, who returned thanks for the honour conferred on him, and his remarks were ably supported by his wife.”) The kauri tree had been supplied by Mr. V.C. Davies. (Unfortunately by June 1956 the tree was not faring well with roughly 50% of the foliage having browned off. Probably affected by the high water table in this location below the Main Lake Dam. It had been planted on a patch of lawn, created by reclaiming part of a water lily pond that used to be there.)

21 April 1934 – TH Rhododendrons arrived from England

22 April 1934 – TH Planted Rhododendrons from England

1 May 1934 – TH Planted ferns from Egmont and heeled in Native plants

2 May 1934 – TH Planting burying rubbish in Rhod. Dell cleaning up

16 May 1934 – TH Sent order for Rhodos to A.H. Goudie

5-7 June 1934 – Lou and soldiers cutting and clearing the lake bank (Taranaki Herald 24/7/1934 – Park Committee Meeting – “The banks of the large lake had been trimmed and 50 pongas planted. Twenty or thrity more were to be planted.”)

21 June 1934 – TH Self and Arthur planted 140 native trees on clay face at Racecourse

26 June 1934 – TH Self, Arthur and Palmer marking out and preparing for tree planting back boundary Brooklands

27 June 1934 – Lou and men fencing off area for planting from Gables to pines

10 July 1934 – TH Planted Lawsoniana at Brooklands

11 July 1934 – TH Planted Thuja etc at Kings

18 July 1934 – Arthur shifting large Lawsons

20 July 1934 – Arthur finished planting natives at Brooklands and marked out for macrocarpa back of Bonds, McKays etc

24 July 1934 – TH Planting macrocarpas and natives (Taranaki Herald 24/7/1934 – Park Committee Meeting – “Trees planted at Brooklands totalled 925. They included 250 cupressus lawsoniana, 340 assorted Native, 35 Thuja gigantea, 200 macrocarpa and 100 pohutukawas.”)

6 August 1934 – TH digging trenches for Rhodos trimming macrocarpa trees etc. Started digging holes for trees on Racecourse. Duncan and Davies rhododendrons delivered for the Sanders bequest. All in good order but some ordered were not sent and quite a number were delivered that were not ordered.

7 August 1934 – TH Goudies Rhodos delivered for Sander bequest. All in good order. Panted all the above

8 August 1934 – TH Labelling Rhodos and listing them

10 August 1934 – Rhodos delivered from Stead, Christchurch. Planted same and attached numbered wooden labels. Mr McLeod here and gave instructions re Racecourse planting

29-31 August 1934 – TH Self planting Rhododendrons, balance from nursery

5 September 1934 – TH In Fillis Street gully all day. Took load of trees there and received collection of rare native trees from D&D

11-14 September 1934 – All hands preparing Fillis Street gully for planting

24 September 1934 – Planted trees in nursery bed on Fillis Street

26 September 1934 – TH Wrote up Rhododendrons in stock book

28 September 1934 – TH Planting few trees etc

29 September 1934 – TH Planted pungas in nursery and at Brooklands

31 October 1934 – Received case lot of plants from Andersons of Napier

14 May 1935 – TH Wrenched part of the pohutukawas in sportsground that are to be shifted

4 June 1935 – TH Shifted some pohutukawas to Fillis Street section

6 June 1935 – Plants from Napier arrived safely

15 June 1935 – TH Brooklands Road area recommended for planting. 250 yards by 50 yards. 200 lawsoniana outside row for shelter at approximately 4ft apart. 22rows of native trees at 6ft apart 125 trees per row. Total 2750 trees. 250 White pines Podocarpus dacrydioides, 250 totara Podocarpus totara, 250 rimu Dacrydium cupressinum, 625 kauri agathist australis, 250 matai Podocarpus spicatus, 125 birch Nothofagus in variety 125 hinau Elaeocarpus dentatus, 125 maire Olea lanceolata, 125 pukatea Laurelia novae-zealandiae, 250 purir Vitex lucens, 125 kohekohe Dysoxylon spectabile, 125 yellow pine Dacrydium intermedia, 125 miro Podocarpus ferugineus

1 & 2 July 1935 – Lou, Arthur, and self (TH) planting at Brooklands

10 July 1935 – Taranaki Herald – Park committee Meeting – “The five hundred macrocarpa trees procured from the Borough Council had been planted. A further one hundred and also one hundred lawsoniana plants were required to complete the season’s shelter planting.” “Mr. Short was thanked for the gift of a cypress tree which had been planted on the old memorial site.”

18 July 1935 – Arthur planting pungas etc

7 August 1935 – Arthur planted Lawson’s at Brooklands

14 August 1935 – Taranaki Herald – Park committee Meeting – “Eighty pongas had been planted in various parts of the park, and 50 native trees had been added to the Fillis Street planting.” “At Brooklands 200 lawsoniana had been planted for sheltering the bush gully and the rose beds had been renewed by the planting of about 48 new trees in place of a similar number that were old and diseased.” “TREE PLANTATION (Kauri Grove) THE SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT BOARD MEMBERS EXPRESS APPROVAL – SUGGETSED TREES AND QUANTITIES – Mr. Horton suggested the following list of trees for the plantation: 250 each of white pine, totara, rimu, matai, puriri; 125 each of birch, hinau, maire, kohekohe, yellow pine, miro; 625 of kauri; total, 2750; also 200 lawsoniana for shelter.”

2-4 September 1935 – TH Self Arthur planting trees in Fillis Street Gully and nursery, Kauris etc

5 September 1935 – Planting trees in nursery etc

10 September 1935 – Planted ferns on islands etc

23 September 1935 – Board members and Borough Council visited park for inspection of Gover Street sites and proposed planting at Brooklands

26 February 1936 – Taranaki Herald – DETAILS OF PLANTING – “To  particularise 220 trees have been planted to the south and west of the pines on the hill-top west of Fillis Street Gully, comprised of 24 karaka, 86 pohutukawas, 25 kowhai, 5 Norfolk pine, 5 libocedrus (cedar), 3 kauri, 2 Thuja gigantea and 70 other native skyline trees.” “In the Fillis Street Botanic reserve 96 trees, mostly rare varieties of natives, and forming the nucleus of a botanic collection have been planted. These trees have mostly been donated to the committee exclusively for the purpose. The plan calls for a further 850 native trees in this section, but it is not advisable to plant there so long as the pines now under consideration are existent.” “In order to fortify the hill behind the southern terraces of the sportsground, and behind the front line of pines, there have been planted 75 pohutukawas, 18 kauri, 20 rimu, 22 totara, 6 hoheria, 6 rewarewa, 8 libocedrus, 4 lawsoniana, 3 Norfolk pine, 1 wellingtonia and 70 natives assorted for dense sky-line a total of 233 major and dense foliage trees.” “On the flagpole hill behind the outside stand on the racecourse have been planted 38 trees, comprising 3 Sequoia, 3 Thuja gigantea, 2 kauri and 30 pohutukawa, already 6 to 10 feet high and growing well. Trees planted on the hill between the pines and the racecourse on the south side of what is known as the racecourse walk total 115 and comprise 10 kauri, 6 libocedrus (cedar), 6 Thuja gigantea, 3 Norfolk pine, 2 sequoia and 88 assorted natives.” “On the west side of the sportsground behind the terraces have been planted 3 Wellingtonia gigantea and 20 assorted natives, while on the east side between the terraces and the hedge 70 pohutukawas and flowering gums are making substantial growth and will soon be a distinctive feature of this hillside.” “On Victoria road hill, from Carrington Road entrance to the superintendent’s residence, there have been planted on the sky-line 3 kauri, 7 Norfolk pine, 2 puriri, 5 libocedrus, and 7 Sequoia, and inside these 37 pongas, 15 kowhai, 110 pohutukawas and 50 assorted natives.” “On the hillside to the east of the superintendent’s residence, where originally 6 pinus insignis trees were removed, some of them dying and dangerous, 80 assorted trees now from 3 to 15 feet in height are making excellent and dense growth.” “On Victoria Raod at the exposed southwest corner near the croquet courts 60 pohutukawas and 10 natives assorted have been planted. On the west side of the of the main lake and up to the tennis courts 60 evergreen oaks, 30 karo and 40 assorted natives are making good growth, while on Totara Hill, where none previously grew, 7 sky-line trees are doing well.” “Also from the Vogeltown entrance right to Brooklands shelter and native trees have been planted which give efficient shelter from the mountain and southerly blows.” “Approximately a further 600 trees, mostly native, have been planted throughout the park area, mainly to fortify weaker parts.” (Chairman’s’ response to public criticism of pine removals in Park, and the replanting programme undertaken in the previous 10 years)

31 March 1936 – Brooklands forest tree planting job started

17 April 1936 – Received 200 rimu from Mr. Knight

22 April 1936 – Wrenching nursery trees etc

25 April 1936 – Wrenched pohutukawas

1 May 1936 – TH Self gathered young native plants

9 May 1936 – Supplied rockery plants to Moorshead for ladies rest room rockery

18 May 1936 – Inspection of pine areas in Park. Authorised the planting of one row of about 6 pines and balance mostly Thuja gigantea, back of horseshoe bend also to remove pine, planes etc next to racecourse and plant row of tall growing trees.

1 June 1936 – TH Made start to transplant Rhododendrons. Shifted all the imported ones from the nursery

2 June 1936 – Put in full day at Rhododendrons

3-6 June 1936 – Transplanting rhododendrons to permanent positions

8 June 1936 – Planted small Rhododendrons in nursery rows

10 June 1936 – TH Planting trees at back of Brooklands

16 June 1936 – N.H. Kitchingman, Mill Road offer Thuja gigantea, purchased all he had 30 trees

18 June 1936 – Received kauri and other trees. Planting Thuja gigantea (Thuja plicata)

20 June 1936 – Planted pines etc

22 June 1936 – Meeting of the Board 8.30am in Park. Decided to plant on Cannon Hill, alternate Thuja gigantea, and macrocarpa

29 June 1936 – Took ngaios up to planting job, trimmed totara ready for planting, planted 35 trees on Cannon Hill

17 July 1936 – Marked places for trees near racecourse. Planted Thuja near Brooklands entrance. Lawsonianas arrived.

22 July 1936 – All hands going strong clearing, burning, planting etc near Racecourse

23 July 1936 Cleaning up Racecourse path, burning etc, planted few Thujas

5 August 1936 – Arbor Day. Planted Macs and put in first trees on new forest area

6 August 1936 – Men marking out planting job etc, planted few trees

7 August 1936 – Planting trees all day all hands. Started digging swampy area

10-13 August 1936 – Planting new forest area (Taranaki Herald 12/8/1936 – Park committee Meeting – “The cleaning up of branches and rubbish next to the racecourse had been completed and around 30 trees had been planted there.” “The first section of the new forest planting scheme had begun and the preparation of the land, except for the swamp area was completed this week.” “One hundred macrocarpa trees were planted to fill the gaps and to extend the area planted two years ago at the south-west side of the Brooklands bush.” “It was decided that in recognition of Arbor Day members of the committee should plant native timber trees in Brooklands on Saturday morning. Mr. Horton said the Brooklands possessed one of the finest timber reserves in the Dominion.”)

15 August 1936 – Member of the board planted tree each at Brooklands

17-19 August 1936 – Planting etc

24 August 1936 – Planting all day, new forest

28 August 1936 – Cutting turf etc and planting trees

3 September 1936 – Dug old house site, planted a few trees

8 September 1936 – Planted white pines in swamp

9 September 1936 – Taranaki Herald – Park Committee Meeting – TH “Planting of the new native forest area had been completed. Trees to the value of £106 15s had been planted. The total cost of labour, trees, and fencing was approximately £300. The work had been well done and he was confident the scheme would be a great success.”

9 October 1936 – TH Received and planted native plants from Mr Cameron per R. Deare

3 March 1937 – TH Self grubbing ready to transplant pohutukawas

20 & 21 April 1937 – Digging holes for trees, Fillis Street hill-top where pines were

26 April 1937 – Marking out and digging ready for planting Fillis Street

27 & 28 April – Transplanting pohutukawas on hilltop

5 & 6 May 1937 – Planting pungas round lake and cleaning up long island

17 May 1937 – Finished long island, wrenched trees etc. Transplanted more large pohutukawas

20 May 1937 – TH Dug hillside to house and transplanted few trees

26 May 1937 – TH Getting tree ferns for lake side. P.H. Bartle, Opunake re pungas 3ft, donation

3 June 1937 – TH Marked out and dug places for trees in Fillis Street. Arthur planting pungas

4 June 1937 – Planting pungas etc

15-18 June 1937 – Preparing Fillis Street for planting, removed fence at corner of Brooklands road ready to extend new forest area

21-24 June 1937 – All hands preparing for planting Fillis Street. Got balance of large pohutukawas transferred. Planted Kauris and general collection of natives.

28 June 1937 – Lou Alex digging for forest extension. TH Self planting Fillis Street

29 June 1937 – TH Planted hedges corner Liardet Street. Planted Rhodo swamp area white pines etc

30 June 1937 – Planted 70 pohutukawas hilltop corner of Brooklands Road. Finish digging on forest extension area

1 July 1937 – Men digging for planting trees right at back of Brooklands

2 July 1937 – Preparing for planting back of Brooklands. Planted another 70 Pohutukawas Brooklands Road corner

5 July 1937 – Clearing off paddock to be planted with pines

6-8 July 1937 – Planted 150 Lawsons and 110 Macs

15 & 16 July 1937 – Planted 550 Pinus radiata at Brooklands

5 August 1937 – Transplanted row of Thuja for a shelter break at Brooklands

9-11 August 1937 – Planted extension forest area. Arbor Day. Trees planted by Mayor and members of Board. (Taranaki Herald 11/8/1937 – Park committee Meeting – “Extensive tree planting, had been carried out during the season. This included 160 Lawsoniana. At Brooklands 250 macrocarpas had been planted to protect the native bush in the gully running towards Avenue Road corner and Upjohn Street.” “At the back of the old orchard site at Brooklands 550 pinus radiata had been planted behind the old pine plantation.” “Native timber trees to the number of 360 had been planted in the extension of the forest area at Brooklands and 40 white pines had been put in the swamp ground near the Rhododendrons.” “Around the lake and in other parts of Pukekura Park 165 tree ferns had been put in and 650 native trees were planted in the new botanic reserve at Fillis Street.” “This made a total of 2175 trees planted. The shelter trees supplied from the borough nursery were a very fine type and well grown.” ‘He had 28 trees left to be planted in the forest to mark Arbor Day.” “Board members pointed out that the large amount of planting done during the season was in keeping with the spirit of Arbor Day. It was decided that each member of the committee should plant a tree some time during the day.”  “Appreciation of the generosity of the Bruce Trust in making possible the Native forest plantation was expressed, and it was decided to erect a notice board in recognition of this. At present there are about 3500 trees in the plantation, including 330 kauris.”

16 August 1937 – TH Self at forest planting

18 August 1937 – All hands at forest work. Finished filling in gaps and dug around trees, Brooklands Road

23 August 1937 – Lou, Don and TH overhauling nursery, transplanting digging etc

26 & 27 August 1937 – Mowing and cleaning hillside below Vogeltown Walk and by grass plot to Sportsground etc. TH planting young natives

30 August 1937 – Mowed bank and cleaned up walk top end of racecourse Walk. Planted young puriris. Pungas from H.M. Bartle, Opunake

8 & 9 September 1937 – Planted lawsonianas on racecourse. Trees supplied were very good

21 September 1937 – TH Planting young native trees in nursery

2 October 1937 – TH Self mountain collecting Leptopteris etc

7 October 1937 – Planting natives in nursery

22 April 1938 – TH wrenching native trees

2 May 1938 – Started 2 men on forest extension work. TH cleaning up the first flower bed and shifting the ‘Grande’ Rhododendron

4 May 1938 – TH Wrenching necessary nursery stock at forest area

27 July 1938 – Trees arrived from D&D for forest planting. Put in kauri and heeled in others

3 & 4 August 1938 – Planting native trees at forest extension

8 August 1938 – Planting forest extension

9-12 August 1938 – TH Planting forest (Taranaki Herald 10/8/1938 – Park committee meeting – “The digging for the forest extension area near Brooklands Road was now completed, stated the superintendent Mr. T.H. Horton, in his report to the monthly meeting of the Pukekura Park Board last night. The trees were now, being planted, Sated Mr. Horton, and he expected to complete the work this week.” “The new list of trees being planted would include 180 more kauri trees. Fences were no longer required for protection purpose, and these were now being taken down and all good posts, battens and wire carefully stored.”)

16 & 17 August 1938 – Lou and TH completing the planting of the forest extension scheme

6 & 7 September 1938 – Planting nursery stock

8 October 1938 – Planted Rhodos and other plants given us by Steve cox

12 October 1938 – Planted nursery kowhais

9-11 May 1939 – TH Collecting native plants and heeling them in

12 & 13 May 1939 – TH Getting particulars of areas that may be suitable for Tennis Courts and Croquet Greens and also ideas re planting for shelter on present site of courts etc

20 May 1939 – TH All week preparing report and plans for resumption of tennis courts etc and tree planting

30 May 1939 – TH dug and heeled in native trees

11 July 1939 – TH Planted copper beech at Brooklands

9 August 1939 – Taranaki Herald – Park Committee Meeting – “Brooklands Memorial Plaque. It was noted that a plaque to honour Newton King was ready to erect at Brooklands. Swat Magret. A hearty vote of thanks was recorded Mr. Horton for the donation of a valuable beech known by the name of ‘Swat Magret’ a variety from Holland. This was planted in the meadow at Brooklands.”

10 August 1939 – Planting at Brooklands and fencing

23-25 August 1939 – Planting at Brooklands and in Rhododendrons etc (possible plants: Fagus ‘Riversii’, Fagus ‘Atropurpurea’, Magnolia soulangeana, Quercus palustris)

23 & 24 April 1940 – Men cleaning up and preparing site for extension of Hydrangea planting

6 & 7 May 1940 – Men at Hydrangea extension

15 May 1940 – Park Committee Meeting – Annual Report – “Work authorised and completed was the sealing of the main entrance drive and the parking area, removing of the glasshouses from Brooklands to the ferneries in Pukekura Park, the reforming of Brooklands Road entrance and making of adjacent new footpaths and the planting of young trees on Cannon Hill to eventually fill the gaps of the existing immense pines now showing signs of decline.” “In conformity with their committee’s policy to close the tennis courts and croquet lawns at the Vogeltown entrance in order to provide shelter form the westerlies, a special nursery of trees has been established. The trees will be grown in their present location and especially attended to for probably another four years before being planted out along the Brooklands Road western boundary of the park.” “Fillis Street Botanical Reserve – the planting of this reserve was started in 1935 and completed last year. The area comprises approximately four acres and is set apart as a botanical reserve for native trees and plants. Here we have planted of less than two each of all native trees, but the collection does not include alpine, rockery and bay plants. There are about 1200 trees and over 200 varieties. These trees are doing well. Cultivation has now ceased. When these trees have sufficiently developed it is proposed to make suitable paths through them to give easy access to every part, and also to attach name plates to all the trees.” “Brooklands Reserve – The area is approximately 10 acres. The total number of trees, planted is 3815. The varieties include all the principal native timber trees. The matai are not doing as well as most of the other kinds. The totara, rimu, Hinau, rewarewa, and kauri are making particularly good growth and also the white pines planted in the swamp areas. In the first area planted the height of the trees ranges from three to nine feet, the average being about four feet six inches.” “It is definitely established that the kauri can be grown successfully here, for out of 500 in this reserve we have had scarcely a failure and though only planted three years ago many are six feet high and are very strong and healthy.”

15 May 1940 – Taranaki Herald – “Spring flower Display – The flower beds at Brooklands, New Plymouth, have nearly all been replanted for the spring display, stated the monthly report of the Pukekura Park superintendent, Mr. T. Horton, to the park committee last night. Flower beds in the park will be prepared similarly now that the summer flowering season is over. There are 26 new varieties of hydrangeas to plant.”

21 June 1940 – Dug canna beds and planted Cyathea medullaris, started pruning Hydrangeas

2 July 1940 – Preparing area for hydrangeas

23-26 July – George and TH pegged out and prepared for planting hydrangeas, and pruned roses at the house etc. Planted 50 new Hydrangeas

1 August 1940 – Planted about 50 trees to replace failures in the forest area

31 May 1941 – Received donation of 20 Ericas from D&D

6 July 1941 – George trimming up islands and took up a lot of Dicksonia fibrosa

7 July 1941 – Geo planted out bed of seedling fibrosas

25 August 1941 – Geo and Grant at the Gables transplanting Lawsons

15 June 1942 – Mr Amoore and TH visited Brooklands re tree planting etc

10 July 1942 – Taranaki Herald – Pukekura Park Committee – More Trees In Park – “At a meeting of the Pukekura Park Committee, New Plymouth, last night it was decided to plant trees on an area of the park at the back of Brooklands, between the belt of shelter trees and Kaiamata Street. This area, of about one and a-half acres, was previously let for grazing. The superintendent, Mr. T. Horton, reported that the fences had been repaired and an entrance was being put in.”

22 July 1942 – Planted trees at Brooklands

23 July 1942 – Finished off trees at Brooklands



21 August 1942 – TH Digging nursery and transplanting various trees etc

28 August 1942 – Evelyn potting up orchids from Mr H.L. Hartog, 248 Fitzherbert avenue, Palmerston North

23 September 1942 – Plants arrived from Ivan Watkins for planting by Kiosk

8 Ocrtober 1942 – Planting Aucuba japonica and annuals

26 May 1943 – Lou and men planting trees in forest area, where necessary to fill up. 125 trees mostly kowhai

1 June 1943 – Lou planting trees in forest area repalceing failures. Box of native plants received from Mr Kitchingham, Erua

15 June 1943 – Taranaki Herald – Pukekura Park Committee Meeting – Clearing And Planting – “The superintendent reported that a thorough clean-up had been made of the newly-planted forest areas at Brooklands, Kaimata Street and the Fillis Street gully. Where there was room for more trees have been planted, and others replaced. Altogether 2590 trees have been planted this season, including mageao, totara, white pine, native cedars, towai, rewarewa, and kowhai.”

10 May 1944 – Taranaki Herald – TH “We don’t proposed to make any big plantings of trees this winter, said Mr. Horton. Most of the panting will be the replacement of plants that have died or are not growing well. Recent plantings of native trees are doing remarkably well, especially the 600 kauris near Brooklands.”

10 July 1946 – Taranaki Herald – Park Committee Meeting – “Native trees have been planted in the gap made by the felling of trees by the glow worm caves at Pukekura park, New Plymouth, according to the superintendent, Mr. T. Horton, at a meeting of the park committee. The trees included pohutukawas, kowhais, miros and tree ferns, he said.”

16 June 1947 – Taranaki Herald – Rhododendrons Moving – “Block and tackle, sledge and barrows are being used to shift about 85 rhododendrons in the dell at Pukekura Park, New Plymouth. The move has been made to give the plants room to spread their branches and grow into specimen trees.” “Moving Day began a fortnight ago and it will be two or more weeks before all the plants are settled in their new home.” “The park superintendent, Mr. T. Horton, explained this morning that when the rhododendrons were planted 10 years ago near the Brooklands boundary they were placed six feet apart. There should have been 12 feet between each plant to give it chance to grow into good trees but there was not enough room in that particular dell.” At the time of planting it was planned to later shift every other plant to a site as near as possible its original planting place. This shift should have been made six years ago, but shortage of staff caused its delay until now.” “Four men are on the job working under the supervision of Mr. Horton and Mr. A.J. Black, a rhododendron specialist who is on the park staff.” Transfer to Brooklands – “The smaller plants have been transferred to the hillside at Brooklands nearby. The fence has been shifted, and soon a bulldozer will make a path down the hill so that visitors can walk easily to the rhododendrons. The bigger rhododendrons have settled in on the flat area where they were at present and a few of them have been placed on a bank. With a background of totara and kowhai trees they will make a lovely picture at blooming time.” “Mr. Black said it was a difficult job to lift a plant weighing half a ton, place it on a sledge, drag it to one of the paths in the dell and then lift it onto a barrow for shifting to its new home, but the men managed it.” “Of the 257 rhododendrons, 60 will be shifted to the Brooklands site and 20 to 25 of the bigger ones will be moved to new places.” “The collection is a valuable asset to this town, and we must not allow it deteriorate, pointed out Mr. Horton. The shift would enable the trees to grow instead of cramped as in the past, and would also mean that visitors could walk among the rhododendrons more easily.”

1 October 1948 – Taranaki Herald – “Behind the excavation for and towards the top of the southern terrace, a large amount of bush has been cut down and replanted with tall growing trees given to the park by the New Plymouth Horticultural Society.” (This was the last part of an article about the design and the site preparation for the Ladies Pavilion).