20 1 1875 Hughes asks question. (TH)
19-5-1875 -Establishment of public recreation grounds in province. (TH)
12 6 1875 Public Reserves Board reallocation of land for recreation. (TH)
19 6 1875 Provincial Council discussion re change of land. (TH)
26 6 1875 2nd reading of Botanical Gardens Bill. (TH)
26 6 1875 Kelly letter to Superintendent. (TH)
26 6 1875 Petition presented to provincial council re rec ground. (TH)
30 6 1875 Provincial Council postpone Botanic Garden Bill. (TH)
30 6 1875 Town Board meeting re accepting Rec Ground. (TH)
3 7 1875 Recreation Ground bill passes. (TH)
28 7 1875 Naming of first Board of Trustees of Rec. (TH)
31 7 1875 Official naming of Board of Trustees of Rec. (TH)
4 8 1875 First Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
11 8 1875 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
18 8 1875 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
25 8 1875 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
8 9 1875 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
11 9 1875 Suggestion that Acclimatisation Society to have section of Rec. (TH)
22 9 1875 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
13 10 1875 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
27 10 1875 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)