2 1 1894 First Annual Athletics Carnival. (TH)
8 1 1894 Lake pics on chinaware. (TH)
8 1 1894 Pea fowl donation. (TH)
9 1 1894 Water polo in the park. (TH)
11 1 1894 Results from Gymnasium sports day. (TH)
12 1 1894 sports results part 2 (TH)
7 2 1894 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
12 3 1894 Ad for citizens ball. (TH)
12 3 1894 Recreation Grounds Athletic Sports Day Programme. (TH)
31 3 1894 Balloonist Leila Adair advert. (TH)
31 3 1894 Notice of Madame Adair’s Balloon Jump. (TH)
6 4 1894 Football Tournament results – Adair balloon burnt. (TH)
7 4 1894 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
16 4 1894 Thinning out pine trees. (TH)
20 4 1894 Thinning out pine trees. (TH)
23 4 1894 Bathing shed broken into. (TH)
23 4 1894 Offer of assistance cutting down trees. (TH)
26 4 1894 Working bee successful. (TH)
27 4 1894 Working bee successful. (TH)
2 5 1894 Another working bee. (TH)
2 5 1894 Summary of work 1893 – Boatshed Bridge flagstaff cannons whale bones. (TH)
5 5 1894 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
9 5 1894 Arden to supervise working bee. (TH)
11 5 1894 Charles Francis drowned in lake. (TH)
14 5 1894 Charles Francis drowned in lake – inquest. (TH)
14 5 1894 Newton King donation for new bridge. (TH)
18 5 1894 Working bee a sucess. (TH)
29 5 1894 Another working bee. (TH)
7 6 1894 Sports Ground caretaker appointed. (TH)
9 6 1894 Recreation Ground board meeting. (TH)
12 6 1894 Planting on Fillis Street boundary. (TH)
4 6 1894 Purchase of section 1135. (TH)
9 7 1894 Recreation Ground Board meeting – Roy resigns. (TH)
8 8 1894 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
22 8 1894 Ad for china with park pictures on it. (TH)
28 8 1894 letter to editor re cricket pitch. (TH)
29 8 1894 W L Newman appointed to board. (TH)
8 9 1894 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
10 10 1894 Johnny Fro book goes on sale. (TH)
16 10 1894 Fishing licenses. (TH)
13 11 1894 Fireworks display Ad. (TH)
3 12 1894 Johhny Fro a fairytale book to raise funds for Mr. Hood. (TH)
11 12 1894 Board in financial difficulties. (TH)
11 12 1894 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
14 12 1894 Athletics Club 2nd annual carnival programme. (TH)
17 12 1894 Fireworks display advert. (TH)
18 12 1894 Firework display a success. (TH)
18 12 1894 Swimming club Clement Wiggins. (TH)
22 12 1894 Darby’s donkey difficult to ride. (TH)