19 1 1920 Band Concert review (TH)
4 2 1920 Bad state of Sports Ground (TDN)
4 2 1920 Percy Smith honoured. (TH)
4 2 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TH)
4 2 1920 Sketch of proposed Tea House presented to Board. (TDN)
3 3 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TH)
3 3 1920 Mrs. Burgess fundraising proposal. (TH)
3 3 1920 Pine tree removal discussions. (TH)
3 3 1920 Tea House proposal too expensive. (TDN)
5 3 1929 BM Mrs. Burgess stirring it up. (TDN)
9 3 1920 Tram route proposed through the Park. (TH)
24 3 1920 £1000 fund proposal. (TH)
24 3 1920 Prince of Wales to drive through park (TDN)
29 3 1920 £1000 fund. concert ad. (TH)
7 4 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TDN)
7 4 1920 Racecourse Walk widened for Prince of Wales visit. (TDN)
7 4 1920 Sports Ground committee. (TDN)
7 4 1920 Tram route through park. (TDN)
13 4 1920 Prince of Wales visit arrangements. (TH)
20 4 1920 Prince of Wales visit seating. (TH)
21 4 1920 Widows seating for Prince of Wales visit. (TDN)
24 4 1920 Prince of Wales feathers. (TDN)
27 4 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TH)
29 4 1920 Fundraising ad. (TH)
3 5 1920 Visit of Prince of Wales. (TH)
3 5 1920 Visit of Prince of Wales. (TH)
4 5 1920 Prince of Wales visit report. (TDN)
5 5 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TDN)
10 5 1920 Apple and Chrysanthemum Day fundraising. (TH)
15 5 1920 Fundraising takings (TH)
22 5 1920 High School Old Girls street collection. (TH)
25 5 1920 Council to approach Park Board re trams through park. (TH)
27 5 1920 Mrs. Burgess targets £1000. (TDN)
2 6 1920 Hockey tournament. (TDN)
2 6 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TH)
16 6 1920 Proposed tram route through Park(TH)
17 6 1920 Shetland Pony donated for £1000 fund. (TH)
7 7 1920 boating on Sundays (TDN)
7 7 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TH)
10 7 1920 Plant donations (TDN)
14 7 1920 Some pines culled. (TH)
3 8 1920 £1000 events ad. (TDN)
4 8 1920 Plant donations (TDN)
4 8 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TDN)
4 8 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TH)
5 8 1920 Five day carnival opened. (TDN)
11 8 1920 Park Carnival day 1 review. (TH)
12 8 1920 Charles Edgecombe dies (TDN)
12 8 1920 Park Carnival day 2 review. (TH)
13 8 1920 Childs description of park (TH)
16 8 1920 Park Carnival closes. (TH)
18 8 1920 New sports committee formed. (TH)
21 8 1920 Interview with Mrs. Burgess. (TDN)
25 8 1920 New sports committee (TH)
26 8 1920 Sports Ground pine trees removed. (TDN)
27 8 1920 Reopening fish ponds in park. (TH)
8 9 1920 Modifications to Tea Kiosk (TH)
8 9 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TH)
10 9 1920 Damage to terraces (TDN)
6 10 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TDN)
14 10 1920 White swans donated. (TDN)
25 10 1920 Trout holding ponds finished but fish released by larrakins.(TH)
25 10 1920 W W Smith resigns. (TDN)
26 10 1920 Letter to Editor re W W Smith resignation. (TDN)
3 11 1920 W W Smith resignation – the Board’s position. (TH)
4 11 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TDN)
4 11 1920 White swans go walk-about. (TH)
5 11 1920 letter from W W Smith to paper re resignation.
8 12 1920 BM hatchery considered. (TH)
8 12 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. (TDN)
8 12 1920 Pukekura Park Board Meeting. Letter from Smith threatening legal action. (TH)
15 12 1920 Our Tubular Bells concert. (TDN)
16 12 1920 William Collis Obituary. (TH)